If your child was diagnosed with shoulder dystocia after birth, you and your child may be owed compensation. Call 1-800-ATTORNEY today for a free consultation.
While shoulder dystocia is a rare condition, it is often the result of a obstetrician’s use of improper birthing techniques. In most cases, the injuries will heal by the time the child is six to twelve months of age, but there are some cases that involve permanent damage. The avenues for treatment vary according to the severity of those injuries.
Treatment and therapy for infant shoulder dystocia can cost quite a bit of money. If this birth injury results in permanent disability, expect those costs to rise significantly. We don’t believe that this financial burden should be placed on the family of the victim, and that’s where our attorneys can help. If your child had been diagnosed with shoulder dystocia, call 1-800-ATTORNEY and discuss the facts of your case with our lawyers for no cost. If we determine that you have a potential birth injury or medical malpractice lawsuit, we will explain the legal options available to you (again, for free).
Causes of Shoulder Dystocia
Shoulder dystocia occurs as a result of obstetric complication during vaginal deliveries. It occurs when one (or both) shoulders are impacted against the bones of the maternal pelvis after the baby’s head has emerged. This causes damage to the upper brachial plexus nerves, which supply the sensory and motor components of the shoulders, arms and hands.
As we mentioned before, shoulder dystocia is often caused by the use of improper birthing techniques during delivery. Unlike some other injuries that occur during the birth process, shoulder dystocia is impossible to predict. Even more unfortunate is the fact that its not usually discovered until the late stages of delivery.
Shoulder dystocia is also more-common in births with lengthy labor stages. There are many factors that affect the potential for shoulder dystocia, including infant size and the existence of maternal diabetes.
Complications, Treatment, and Prognosis
In most cases, shoulder dystocia and brachial plexus injuries will heal by the child’s first birthday. Physical therapy is usually started within the first few weeks of birth in order to help the muscles strengthen in cases where the there is damage to the nerve supply. Permanent injuries involve the incorporation of two different modes of therapy: physical therapy to strengthen the muscles, and surgical therapy that involves nerve grafts or muscle transposition.
Shoulder dystocia can also cause some complications for the mother with the most common ones being excessive loss of blood and lacerations of the vaginal and vulvar areas. In 25% of all shoulder dystocia cases, the mother suffers significant blood loss either during delivery or during the postpartum period. This is usually because of uterine atony or lacerations of the birth canal and surrounding areas. There may be other problems as well including uterine rupture.
The greatest potential for shoulder dystocia occurs in mothers who are subject to several risk factors such as a diabetes, obesity, or carrying an extremely large baby. These risk factors increase the potential for a shoulder dystocia injury. The important thing is for the mother and her doctor to be aware of the risk factors during the pregnancy in order to be prepared. The existence of these risk factors often necessitate a cesarean section delivery. Doctors who do not recognize and act on this may be found negligent for a resulting birth injury.
If your child suffers from shoulder dystocia because of the actions of a medical professional, you need to speak to a personal injury lawyer with experience in this area. Our lawyers are willing to discuss your case and provide you with advice on the right course of action for no cost. For a free consultation, call 1-800-ATTORNEY.